Boat Dry storage areas

Boat dry storage is an essential component for maintaining your vessel in top condition, whether you own a small boat for leisure or a larger commercial vessel. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about boat dry storage, from its advantages and disadvantages to the various types available and their costs. So, let’s dive into the world of boat dry storage and explore its importance in preserving your marine investment.

What is Boat Dry Storage?

As the name suggests, boat storage refers to the practice of storing boats on land rather than keeping them in the water. This method of storage offers numerous benefits and is often considered a safer and more convenient option for boat owners. By removing the boat from its natural environment, you can avoid a variety of potential issues that can arise from extended periods in the water.

Types of Boat Dry Storage

There are several types of boat storage facilities available, depending on your individual needs and preferences. Some of the most common options include:

  • Rack Storage: Also known as “dry stack storage,” this method stores boats on large, multi-level racks in a covered or uncovered facility. Boats are transported to and from the water using a specialized forklift, which can significantly reduce the time and effort required for launching and retrieval.
  • Indoor Storage Units: Similar to a traditional storage unit, these facilities offer individual, enclosed spaces for boat storage. This type of storage provides an added layer of security and protection from the elements.
  • Outdoor Storage: This option involves storing boats on trailers or cradles in designated outdoor areas. While this may be the most affordable option, it generally offers less protection from weather and other environmental factors.
  • Climate-Controlled Storage: Some facilities offer climate-controlled storage options, which can help protect your boat from extreme temperatures and humidity. This can be particularly important for wooden or classic boats that may be more susceptible to damage in harsh environments.
  • Private or Home Storage: For those with enough space and resources, storing your boat on your own property can offer the most control and convenience. However, this option may not be suitable for all boat owners due to space limitations or local regulations.

Advantages of Boat Dry Storage

There are numerous benefits to utilizing dry storage for your vessel, including:

Improved Protection

One of the most significant advantages of boat dry storage is the increased protection it offers your vessel. By keeping your boat out of the water, you can prevent issues like corrosion, algae growth, and damage from marine organisms. Additionally, dry storage facilities often provide better protection from theft and vandalism, as well as environmental factors like storms and UV radiation.

Reduced Maintenance

Boats stored on land generally require less maintenance than those left in the water. This is because they are less exposed to the elements and are less susceptible to issues like corrosion and marine growth. As a result, you can save both time and money on maintenance tasks like cleaning, painting, and repairing your boat.

Increased Longevity

By reducing the potential for damage and wear, dry storage can help to extend the life of your boat. This can ultimately result in a higher resale value and a longer period of use for your vessel.

Greater Convenience

Many boat storage facilities offer additional services, such as on-site fueling, maintenance, and repair. This can make it more convenient for you to access essential services and ensure your boat is always ready for use.

Environmental Benefits

Boat dry storage can also have positive environmental impacts, as it can help to reduce the risk of pollution from oil leaks, fuel spills, and other contaminants. Some facilities, like McCuddy’s, are members of the Oregon Clean Marina Program, which encourages marinas to adopt pollution prevention measures and maintain high environmental standards.

Disadvantages of Boat Dry Storage

While dry storage offers numerous advantages, there are also some potential downsides to consider:


One of the primary disadvantages of boat dry storage is the cost. Depending on the type of storage and the location, fees can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per year. However, it’s essential to weigh these costs against the potential savings in maintenance and increased longevity for your vessel.

Limited Access

Some boat dry storage facilities may have limited hours of operation or require advance notice to retrieve your boat. This can be inconvenient if you want to use your boat spontaneously or outside of regular business hours.

Size Restrictions

Dry storage facilities may have limitations on the size of boats they can accommodate. Larger vessels may require alternative storage solutions, such as private storage or mooring.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Boat Dry Storage

When selecting the right boat dry storage option for your needs, there are several factors to consider:


The location of the storage facility is crucial, as you’ll want it to be easily accessible and close to your preferred boating area. Additionally, consider the surrounding environment and potential risks, such as floods or storms.


Ensure that the storage facility offers adequate security measures, such as surveillance cameras, gated access, and on-site personnel. This can help to protect your valuable investment from theft and vandalism.

Amenities and Services

Consider what additional services the boat dry storage facility offers, such as on-site fueling, maintenance, and repair. This can help to make your boating experience more convenient and enjoyable.


Compare the costs of different boat dry storage options in your area, and be sure to factor in any additional fees for services like transportation to and from the water.

Contract Terms

Review the contract terms for any boat dry storage facility you are considering. Be aware of any restrictions, such as minimum or maximum storage periods and cancellation policies.

Preparing Your Boat for Dry Storage

Before placing your boat in dry storage, it’s essential to properly prepare it to ensure its safety and longevity. Some steps to take include:

  • Clean and inspect: Thoroughly clean and inspect your boat, removing any dirt, debris, and marine growth. This will help to prevent damage and maintain the boat’s condition while in storage.
  • Drain fluids: Drain any water from the bilge, water systems, and engine to prevent freezing or corrosion.
  • Change oil and filters: Change the engine oil and filters to remove any contaminants that could cause damage during storage.
  • Protect against corrosion: Apply a corrosion inhibitor to the engine and other metal components to protect them from rust and deterioration.
  • Winterize: If storing your boat during the winter months, take the necessary steps to winterize the engine, water systems, and other components to protect against freezing temperatures.
  • Cover: Use a high-quality boat cover to protect your vessel from dust, dirt, and environmental factors while in storage.

Boat Dry Storage Costs

The costs associated with boat dry storage can vary widely depending on factors like the type of storage, the size of your boat, and the location of the facility. Some general cost estimates include:

Rack Storage: 300 per month

Indoor Storage Units: 500 per month

Outdoor Storage: 200 per month

Climate-Controlled Storage: 1,000 per month

Keep in mind that these are just general estimates, and actual costs may vary. It’s essential to research and compare different storage options in your area to find the best fit for your needs and budget.


Boat dry storage offers numerous advantages, including improved protection, reduced maintenance, increased longevity, and greater convenience for boat owners. By selecting the right storage option for your needs and properly preparing your boat for storage, you can help to ensure the safety and longevity of your valuable marine investment. Consider the factors discussed in this guide when choosing a boat dry storage facility, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your vessel is well cared for and ready for your next boating adventure.

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